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Conwell-Egan Catholic High School


Eagles Athletics

Conwell-Egan Catholic High School

Eagles Athletics

Conwell-Egan Catholic High School

Game Summaries & Headlines.


11.0 months ago @ 6:22PM

Girls Soccer 2023 Recap

CEC Varsity Sports Fall Recap

Girls Soccer

When measuring the success of a program’s sports season, the obvious factors are wins and losses and post-season appearances as well as individual accomplishments.  The young 2023 Conwell-Egan Catholic girls soccer team, with just one healthy senior on the pitch, achieved another major accomplishment. It gained valuable experience. 

“When it comes to win-loss we didn’t do as well as we would have liked,” said head coach Andy Adamiec, “but in reality, we had a tough season against a very tough schedule, so the record was a little misleading. What we DID accomplish was playing so many underclassmen who gained so much from this experience.”

The girls soccer team won four games this year and enjoyed a much-earned tie with St. Hubert’s. “The tie with Hubert’s and the 2-1 loss to Ryan that was tied late in the game were probably the best two games we played this year,” Adamiec said.

The lone healthy senior, center back Constance Wojton, earned first team All-Philadelphia Catholic League honors, while junior Maxi Ellison earned third team All-PCL. Junior goalkeeper Megan Werner enjoyed her first year EVER in the nets, being named the team MVP.  “She had never played in goal before and by the end of the year she was phenomenal,” Adamiec said. Freshman Hailey Sarzynski was named the Rookie of the Year.

The CEC girls soccer team won 10 games in 2022 with a veteran group, graduating 14 players from a team that advanced to the PCL semi-finals. The 2023 squad was talented but inexperienced.  In 2024, they will be both talented and experienced. 

“This coming fall will be the most talented team I’ve had here,” said Adamiec, who just completed his 17th season. “Not only with the freshmen who started this year, but the junior class will be four-year players next year with so much experience.  Add in this year’s talented sophomore class, led by Lacey Long and Ayana Reeves, and I can’t wait until next year.”




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